Application for Room Hire

Rooms required - please see our Schedule of Charges for prices and discounts (under Terms & Conditions)
Kitchen Requirements please select one only
Date & Time

Please include any time you need for setting up the rooms and clearing away afterwards.

Enter the date/s you wish to book room/s for. You can simply list dates or, for regular events, enter something like 'every third Monday from 1 September to 31 March' for example.
Other details
Special requirements
Please note any special requirements you may have and we'll do our best to help.
Booking, Payment & Deposits
A booking can be provisional or confirmed, and deposits and payment depend upon type of user and type of event. Please see our Schedule of Charges for details which can be found at A printed version can be obtained from the Community Centre Manager. Bank transfer details - Account: VI Restricted Account number: 65995765 Sort code: 08-92-99 Cash and card payment available at the Institute. Cheques made payable to: Victoria Institute
Please tick the box above if you do not wish to receive communications from the Victoria Institute

If you have any queries about making your booking, please contact Peter Collins on 01524 771733

Monday & Wednesday

10:00-12:00 & 1:00-3:00

Tuesday & Thursday
